Creating XPCOM Components

Creating XPCOM Components is about Gecko and about creating XPCOM components for Gecko-based applications. The book is principally a long tutorial that describes the steps you take to make your C++ code into a component that can be used in Gecko, but it also discusses all of the tools, techniques, and technologies that make up XPCOM.

The book is arranged so that you can follow along and create your own components or learn about different XPCOM topics individually, as in a reference work. For example, the introduction includes a discussion of components and what they are, and the first chapter-in which you compile the basic code and register it with Mozilla-prompts a discussion of the relationship between components and modules, of XPCOM interfaces, and of the registration process in general.

The top of each chapter provides a list of the major topics covered. Sidebar sections are included to highlight technical details. By the end of the book, if we've done our job, you will have leaned how to build a component, and you will know something about the framework for these components in Gecko.

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